Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Special Prayer

Today I would like to make a special prayer. My prayers today are being sent up for the health of a loved one in their time of healing. Lord please place your healing hands on the body of my uncle and restore him to his natural state of health. Allow him to spend more time here with us for we have more work to do for you and I know that You are not done with him yet. Send your angels to comfort his family in there time of confusion and prayer. Lord, I ask that you also change give a speedy fix to the oil spill in the gulf that is destroying your creatures and the land that you have let us use but have not done well with preserving. Please forgive us for the lack of care to your precious gift of Earth, for the poisons we pour into your oceans and the trash that we carelessly throw on your glorious soil. Please Lord, forgive us all for we know not what we do. I also would like for you to keep a special watch over a dear friend that has been on my mind. Please take care of her and her family. I don't know where they could be today, but you do and that, is good enough for me. All these things that I ask for I pray are your will, and if they are not I trust that you have better intentions for them all and will not dare to question them. You, my Lord, are the only one that can make all things possible, and only you who knows the outcome for us all. To my all mighty God I pray for these things and find comfort and knowing that your will is already done, Amen.

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