Thursday, June 10, 2010

1st Sundays Communion

This Sunday was the first communion that I have shared all year. There was a sense of relief that the ritualistic acts of communion did not change. Thankfully, like God, the prayers and dedications given to Christ for his act of self sacrifice for our sins, remained the same. Together in unison, repeating the Lords prayer with the congregation, I recieved an ultimate feeling of peace and thankfulness. This feeling of peace is what I now recognize is of the same peaceful emotion that I have seen since being a little girl in one particular sister of the church.
From a very early age I watched this one woman every Sunday praise and worship with a look of such content and stillness all over her. Being the young naive child that I was, I would think to myself 'why would a woman with a hairstyle and clothing of an 80 year old woman be smiling as if she had a secret that only she new'. This Sunday as I prayed, I realized that I too new the secret, which was much of no secret at all.

The woman, who's name I shamefully still don't know, sang with the rest of the choir:
Lord I want to be a Christian in my heart
Lord I want to be more holy
Lord I don't want to be like Judas
Lord I want to be like Jesus
I followed their lead unconsciously, saying these words over & over. They flowed not from my mind but from my heart, for I did not know this particular hyme. The emotions were pouring from my eyes so reverently and powerful with meaning that it almost felt like I was having an anxiety attack. The only difference was that I had no worries about what might happen next. It didn't matter. I could have started seeing "the white light" and would have gone willingly to be with Jesus.
It felt good to finally know what that woman knew for myself and to put that childishness aside when it came to people and the divine touchings of the Lord upon us. A touch that I shall revel in all the days of my life.The secret you ask? Is one that you have been told again, again:

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.
His mercies never come to an end.
They are new every morning. Great is thy faithfulness" Lamentations 3:22-23

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