Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Daily Devotion: Faithful With Your Own

"My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house." Numbers 12:7

Moses was faithful with what God had given him to do. Moses wasn't required to be faithful with Aaron's calling, or even Joshua's, just his own. God requires individual faithfulness of us all. He requires us to be faithful with what He has given us to do... individually. God doesn't require you to be faithful with someone else's assignment or gifts or talents or calling; only faithful in the "house" He has given you.

As you look at the parable of the talents (Matthew 25) you will notice that the Lord of the house did not require the servant with five talents to be faithful with the talent that He had given the servant with only one, or the servant with two talents to be faithful with the five He had given another servant. Each servant was required to be faithful with what he was given (with his own talent)... not with what another servant was given. This should be a great comfort to you. Too often we feel like we have to be doing what someone else is doing or we aren't doing enough, or we are missing it somewhere. This is a trick of the enemy to burden you down with a lot of busyness in your flesh and cause you to take on more than God has called you to do.

Each of us must be faithful with what God has given us to do and not feel that we have to do what someone else is doing. God will not require anything more of you than what He has given you. If He didn't give you "five talents" He won't require you to give an account of five talents. So don't worry about what someone else is doing... just be faithful with what God has called you to do. Be faithful with the "one" if that is all He has given you.... and do it in such a way that God will be glorified.

Reference "About the Master's Business Ministry"

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