Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Giving Him Praises Anyhow

“So will I sing praise unto thy name for ever. that I may daily perform my vows.”Psalm 61:8

Everyday along with a new sunrise and sunset, we live through new experiences of hurt & happiness. Each emotion and experience brings us to a new thought of needs and wants. I need to feel the happiness of my children and loved ones that are around me on a daily basis in order to enjoy my day. If my mate is not in a happy state, neither am I. But that was putting to much pressure on my mate to be happy for me when he wasn't happy for himself. When my daughter came home with a bad report I would allow her attitude to transform my own attitude to fit her's, thus each of us rubbing our bad attitudes off on the rest of the house. It wasn't fair for me to put so much on my child. I am suppose to turn her frown upside down, give her assurance that tomorrow will better for that is a mothers job. I allowed my mood shifts to control what I did or did not do through out the day and eventually nothing was getting done.
One cannot expect another flaw filled human being like ourselves to determine our state of happiness. We all have those mornings of waking up on the wrong side of the bed and most of the time not even knowing why. We treat our co-workers and friends with nonchalant attitudes of disrespect and expect them to understand.
I come from a musically talented family and growing up, giving our voices to the Lord in praise was like breathing. I got tired of feeling this emotional low because of everyone else's unhappiness so I had to learn how to redirect all of that bad energy around to work for me and not against me.
It states in Proverbs 22:6 " Train a child up in the way they should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it", and therefor I followed myself back to my real self and remembered how good it felt to be in church singing, at rehearsals practicing, and in my room crying his praises. Even then, being so young, I felt the spirit all over me assuring me that he is here and will never leave me. No matter what I may or may not have been going through, nothing in this world has ever made me feel so good. Nothing to this day has ever made me feel as good as it does when the Lord is involved. So, I came to the conclusion that if it feels good to include him in my thoughts when I am happy, why not include him when I am sad, tired, stressed, busy, and when I have nothing to do. I've consumed every aspect of my life with the faith that no matter what, He'll make it OK. Just right, just for me. Its a great thing to know that I may not be happy now but give Him a minute to hear my praises and I'll be back like new. Ready to do His work!

"He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife: but he that putteth his trust in the LORD shall be made fat." Proverbs 28:25

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