Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The First Week of Summer

Today is officially the first day of summer for my house hold. As a stay at home mom, I have opted against sending my daughter to a costly day camp for kids. This summer, like last summer, I will be keeping my child at home and using this time to continue the lessons that where taught over the past school year and prepare her for the year to come. This will be a major challenge for me because I was horrible in school for as long as I can remember, so this will be quite a learning experience for me too.
This week we are starting off a little slow just so that we can get the house in order and begin making schedules and agendas that will be used on a daily and weekly basis. I will be doing hair in my home still which is why it is so important to be extremely organized.
Vacation Bible School started this week all around the country and I wish that it lasted through the entire summer. The theme for the year is "Going Green for Jesus", and in light of the conditions our Eco system is in, it's a great subject that will easily be carried on into our daily lives through recycling and other measures of conservation.
I'll have lost of fun activities to post over the summer so stay tuned!

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