Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Donnie McClurkin- We Come This Far by Faith

Special Prayer

Today I would like to make a special prayer. My prayers today are being sent up for the health of a loved one in their time of healing. Lord please place your healing hands on the body of my uncle and restore him to his natural state of health. Allow him to spend more time here with us for we have more work to do for you and I know that You are not done with him yet. Send your angels to comfort his family in there time of confusion and prayer. Lord, I ask that you also change give a speedy fix to the oil spill in the gulf that is destroying your creatures and the land that you have let us use but have not done well with preserving. Please forgive us for the lack of care to your precious gift of Earth, for the poisons we pour into your oceans and the trash that we carelessly throw on your glorious soil. Please Lord, forgive us all for we know not what we do. I also would like for you to keep a special watch over a dear friend that has been on my mind. Please take care of her and her family. I don't know where they could be today, but you do and that, is good enough for me. All these things that I ask for I pray are your will, and if they are not I trust that you have better intentions for them all and will not dare to question them. You, my Lord, are the only one that can make all things possible, and only you who knows the outcome for us all. To my all mighty God I pray for these things and find comfort and knowing that your will is already done, Amen.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Daily Devotion

We are not saved of our own good works, it is the Gift of God accomplished by Jesus Christ on the cross and assured and secured by His Resurrection.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Daily Devotion

“You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Matthew 5:40-48 NLT.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Natural Beauty

I love Beyonce and Solange Knowles not so much for their musical talents as much as I do for their effortless glow of beauty, grace, and confidence. These natural beauties don't need make up or large accessories to feel confident and beautiful. I remember my days of needing a designer bag, nothing but MAC makeup , and a new outfit every time I went out on the town. Not anymore! I feel good in the skin I'm in and sexy no matter what I throw on.
The Knowles sister both have beautiful skin that doesn't always come so natural. Consult with a dermatologist if you have trouble skin to find out the best skin care regime for you to get a natural, healthy glow.

(I clearly stole the Solange pic from another site: mediatakeout.com)

My Diva, The Artist

My daughter has been begging for a while now for me to post something about her. Now that the school year is over, I'll have plenty to post about, but today I want to share her amazing art work. Nielah is a free spirit and loves art of all types. To keep her creative juices flowing, I enrolled her into an evening clay class at The Creative Foundry located in the Fan of Richmond,VA. Nielah enjoyed the class to the fullest and I was very impressed with the work that the children did. The classes run every 6 weeks and are offered all year round with summer programs also available at very reasonable rates. (above, lady bug car)

(candles stick holder & personal ice cream bowls)

Visit www.thecreativefoundry.net for more about clay classes for children

Daily Devotion

"He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God." Proverbs 14:31

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Re: Urban Views Weekly: Rep God Ministries

Our youth are doing amazing things in the name of the Lord! I wish that I had this fire inside of me at the age of 16 like Kyia Hobson is the founder of rep for God Ministries. Rep for God Ministries will be hosting their first youth conference, "Ignite Our Fire Youth" at the Soccer Center of Richmond on Overbrook Rd, on July 16. Gospel artist and speakers will be featured at the conference and Kyia will be introducing her clothing line of modest apparel designed to be beautiful but not sexually provocative. This is a huge challenge for our youth today but with leaders like Kyia Hobson, the hard work and dedication will not be in vain.
Visit www.repgodministries.com for more on Kyia and her team.

What To Wear

It's hot outside and I couldn't help but thinking, if I where to go out (but I'm not) what would I wear. So Ive put together an outfit that I feel would be great for such humid weather. Linen materials are great for this type of weather because the material does not stick to your skin when you get a little sweaty when you walk from the front door to the car. And of course light colors help deflect the heat from boiling you alive. Last, its a must to be cute!

Mommy Day Care

This summer will not go to waste with just fun in the sun. Learning will also be a big part of our agenda as well. We started yesterday with my 7yr. old reviewing what she learned this year in the 1st grade in social studies. Each day of the week we will focus on a different subject, Tuesdays obviously being for social studies.
A few months back I picked up a great activity book named Brain Quest Workbook. This book is available for all grades.
Because she is going to the 2nd grade, I purchased the 2nd grade to prepare for the coming year. Every subject from math, science, cursive writing, language arts and more are in this book. Visit www.brainquest.com for more of there products and to purchase.
Today we are starting our first lesson on remembering the 50 states in alphabetical order and the roles of our country and community leaders.

Daily Devotion

The practices of goodness- noticing, savoring, thinking, enjoying, and being thankful- are not hard disciplines to learn. But they are disciplines, and they take practice.....The habits that allows wrong to become entrenched- mindlessness or tuning out, inattentiveness, the busyness of doing to distraction, and an ungrateful heart- can take hold so easily....Doing feeds the distraction that makes us inattentive. When we carve out time to really rest and be restored, we also restore our ability to be attentive.
- Desmond Tutu

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Jesus Girl- Dr. Medina Pullings

Dr. Medina Pullings is Co-founder and Pastor of United Nations Church International, located in Richmond,VA along with her husband Dr. Orris A. Pullings. Dr. Medina Pullings was recently interviewed on The Sharvette Mitchell Radio Show sharing her journey as a young girl with Christ and her motivation for the ministry. One of those motivations is her love for her women & young girls of Christ. Through her ministry she has discovered her own description for women & girls with a deep devoted passion for the Lord. Jesus Girl!

"Jesus Girl is proud and not ashamed of her connection with Jesus. Jesus is the heart of her center, her soul, and her mind. She is forever being promoted and on to the next best thing. She is after the heart of God. Her core is a lover of Christ and is overwhelmed by His love!"

How do you spot a Jesus Girl?
You can spot a Jesus Girl...." by her acts of serving Jesus and loving it...where ever she goes she is accompanied by style and grace... Praise is her most elite garment... and her love for Jesus is contagious!"

Jesus Girl is a wonderful brand that I am proud to wear! Dr. Medina Pullings has Jesus Girls products that every true Jesus Girl should own a piece of. I dont yet, but Im on my way!
Visit www.medinapullings.com for more on the wonderful things her ministry is doing.

Something Special

These lovely pair of shoes where posted by Chad Ochocinco on his twitter page. They are definitely something worth sharing.

Jesus Saves- Marvin Winans and Perfected Praise

My mother is still on her Marvin Winans kick and has put me back on it too. This song was recommended by her for The Radden Family Choir who performs every 5th Sunday at Broomfield C.M.E. Church on Jefferson Davis Hwy.

Bag Crushed

I'm so in need of a good quality, classic bag that will carry me over for years to come. I love fashion but bags are just my thing. I have rid the "bin of bags" of all the fakes and I a still very happy with everything that I have accumulated over the years both name brands and off name brands.
Now I'm in search of that special bag that is worth my investment. Here's just one that has my juices flowing, but so not in my price range. Gotta start some where.

Miu Miu, Coffer Matelesse Leather Hobo, $1,650

Daily Devotion

"The Earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein."
Psalms 24:1

The First Week of Summer

Today is officially the first day of summer for my house hold. As a stay at home mom, I have opted against sending my daughter to a costly day camp for kids. This summer, like last summer, I will be keeping my child at home and using this time to continue the lessons that where taught over the past school year and prepare her for the year to come. This will be a major challenge for me because I was horrible in school for as long as I can remember, so this will be quite a learning experience for me too.
This week we are starting off a little slow just so that we can get the house in order and begin making schedules and agendas that will be used on a daily and weekly basis. I will be doing hair in my home still which is why it is so important to be extremely organized.
Vacation Bible School started this week all around the country and I wish that it lasted through the entire summer. The theme for the year is "Going Green for Jesus", and in light of the conditions our Eco system is in, it's a great subject that will easily be carried on into our daily lives through recycling and other measures of conservation.
I'll have lost of fun activities to post over the summer so stay tuned!

Summer Time Carry All

I love this bag! It has the classic "Boston" bag style that is known primarily from Louis Vuitton but not quite as expensive. The color is a perfect summer time blend for any outfit and big enough for mom's like myself to carry any and everything required.

Marc by Marc Jacobs, Fast Bag Metallic Bowling Bag, $250.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Interview: Kelly Rowland

Kelly Rowland, like most of us, was a trained child of God, whom, like most of us, once was lost but now is found. In a recent interview with British publication, The Scotsman Newspaper, Kelly made it clear where she now stands with God:

"I can't live without it. As kids we were so on fire for God. And then you grow up, travel and experience things and stop reading the Bible every day. You don't realise that you're taking important things away from yourself.

"If all this were taken away from me right now I would still have my faith. If you don't have faith the world will eat you alive."

We all have experienced this first hand and I wish it where as easy as posting this to save so many from going through life loosing site of Him. But you have to be glad for His forgiveness and is that He is there when you are ready for Him to lead your way. Amen!

Daily Devotions: Made For Goodness

My child. I made you for myself.
I made you like myself.
I delight in you.
My heart aches with pity
When you smother joy under the onslaught of busyness.
Then there is barely a minute
To pause and listen to me.

You run everywhere looking for life,
Searching for the life of life.
All the while I am here.
I am as close as a prayer.
I am breathing in your breath.

You look for me in the pleasures of life.
Things pile upon things,
Experiences crown out experiences,
Places run together in a hazy blur,
And still you don't find that one thing that will satisfy you.
But I am here.
I am as close as a prayer.
I am breathing in your breath.

I made you for myself,
I wanted you.
I made you like myself.
I made you good and I made you free.

Listen! For I have carved in you the heart to hear.
Listen and know that I am near.
I am as close as a prayer.
I am breathing in your breath.

Before you speak the word of worry or worship I hear you.
Before you sing in your delight or moan your anguish I speak.
I am here.
I am as close as a prayer.
I am breathing in your breath.

With each breath I choose life for you.
I paint the pattern of joy in your heart and leave it there for you to
I build the frame of your flourishing in the center of your being and
call you to search it out.
I kindled the spark of goodness in you.
With each breath I fan the flame.
I am here.
I am as close as a prayer.
I am breathing in your breath.

With each breath choose, my child, you are free.
Will you breathe with me the breathe of life?
Will you claim the joy i have prepared for you?
Will you seek me out and find me here?
Will you whisper the prayer?
Will you breath in my breathe?
by Desmond Tutu

The Book Club: Made For Goodness by Desmond Tutu and Mpho Tutu

After witnessing a life time of crimes against humanity and coming face to face with evil itself, Desmond Tutu still believes that everyone of us are made specifically for goodness and dares the human race to claim the goodness that we are made for. In these pages Tutu invites that willing soul to take on the disciplines of goodness, the practices that are key to finding fulfilment, meaning, and happiness that the Lord wants for our lives.
'Made For Goodness' is one book that wont just give you directions to being a good person, but instead instills in you the purposes of doing good and the effects it has on our world. I highly recommend this book not only as a check out at the library but a must have for your bookshelf.

Busily Blessed

I haven't been able to take the time out and make my usual postings because I have been, what I would like to call "busily blessed". Meaning, that like us all, I have made certain request of the Lord, and as expected he has blessed me with those request that have kept me quite busy. It was delight to see my blessings unfold before my eyes.
My daughter and I pray every night before she goes to bed and at that time she also makes her very own special request. For example: Lord please heal my Auntie Amanda and Papa and keep them healthy. She has been able to see her blessing unfold right before her eyes through the disease named cancer being removed from Auntie Amanda's body and Papa's health doing increasingly better. It amazed her like nothing I have ever seen before! She knew with out a shadow of a doubt that no doctor or Rx had anything to do with, it was nothing but the Lord!
So Mommies Daycare has officially opened for the summer and I look forward to all the fun adventures that we have planned. My clientele for hair has increased as well and it's a crazy thing that I have no feelings of being overwhelmed with 4 children under my care. I cant ask for more, and if He never blesses me another day of my life, He's already done enough!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

1st Sundays Communion

This Sunday was the first communion that I have shared all year. There was a sense of relief that the ritualistic acts of communion did not change. Thankfully, like God, the prayers and dedications given to Christ for his act of self sacrifice for our sins, remained the same. Together in unison, repeating the Lords prayer with the congregation, I recieved an ultimate feeling of peace and thankfulness. This feeling of peace is what I now recognize is of the same peaceful emotion that I have seen since being a little girl in one particular sister of the church.
From a very early age I watched this one woman every Sunday praise and worship with a look of such content and stillness all over her. Being the young naive child that I was, I would think to myself 'why would a woman with a hairstyle and clothing of an 80 year old woman be smiling as if she had a secret that only she new'. This Sunday as I prayed, I realized that I too new the secret, which was much of no secret at all.

The woman, who's name I shamefully still don't know, sang with the rest of the choir:
Lord I want to be a Christian in my heart
Lord I want to be more holy
Lord I don't want to be like Judas
Lord I want to be like Jesus
I followed their lead unconsciously, saying these words over & over. They flowed not from my mind but from my heart, for I did not know this particular hyme. The emotions were pouring from my eyes so reverently and powerful with meaning that it almost felt like I was having an anxiety attack. The only difference was that I had no worries about what might happen next. It didn't matter. I could have started seeing "the white light" and would have gone willingly to be with Jesus.
It felt good to finally know what that woman knew for myself and to put that childishness aside when it came to people and the divine touchings of the Lord upon us. A touch that I shall revel in all the days of my life.The secret you ask? Is one that you have been told again, again:

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.
His mercies never come to an end.
They are new every morning. Great is thy faithfulness" Lamentations 3:22-23

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


This may not mean much to anyone else but Kelis is one of my favorite song bird and I just had to share these pictures from Kelis video shoot "4th of July (Fireworks)." Her new song is set to make a world premiere on July 16th on You tube and VEVO. I don't know what to expect for this new one, but I'm positive it will be a success.

CeCe Winans--"Well Alright"

Daily Devotion

"God does not love us because we are lovable. We are lovable precisely because God loves us........Our perfection is the price we imagine we must pay for the love of God.
Our goodness is the recognition we offer and the thanks we return for the gifts and love already given to us."
-Desmond Tutu

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Slim Thug: 'Black Women Need To Stand By Their Man'

I'm not going to spend to much time on this topic only because it is the topic of conversation every where else. But for those of you who are not in the know, I'll take the time to bring you up to speed. Rapper, producer Slim Thug interviewed with Vibe magazine and expressed his thoughts on black men and women.

"Most single Black women feel like they don’t want to settle for less. Their standards are too high right now. They have to understand that successful Black men are kind of extinct. We’re important. It’s hard to find us so Black women have to bow down and let it be known that they gotta start working hard; they gotta start cooking and being down for they man more. They can’t just be running around with their head up in the air and passing all of us."

Some of you may strongly disagree with his views, but I have to agree with him whole heartily. In the Bible Adam was persuaded by Eve to eat fruit from the forbidden Tree of Life. There are many stories in the Bible where the women where used a source of enlightenment and much help in hard times for the men of the Bible through their own acts of hardships and persecutions, and with much reward in the end. It's a known fact that woman are smarter than man, and with that being said we have to build our men up and have their backs just as much as we expect for them to have our backs. We are all flawed beings with much more to learn from each other and God than we could ever learn alone. If this is not the foundation for any relationship, than why would one's wedding vows include "for better or for worse". Statistics make it clear that not allot of people understand this thus the high divorce rate. I'm not saying to lower your standards because there is a standard for each on of us. But each individual on each "status level" is just as flawed as the next with not one sin being greater than the other. That's just me and that's all I can give you on that.
Read full interview at www.vibe.com

Daily Devotion: Faithful With Your Own

"My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house." Numbers 12:7

Moses was faithful with what God had given him to do. Moses wasn't required to be faithful with Aaron's calling, or even Joshua's, just his own. God requires individual faithfulness of us all. He requires us to be faithful with what He has given us to do... individually. God doesn't require you to be faithful with someone else's assignment or gifts or talents or calling; only faithful in the "house" He has given you.

As you look at the parable of the talents (Matthew 25) you will notice that the Lord of the house did not require the servant with five talents to be faithful with the talent that He had given the servant with only one, or the servant with two talents to be faithful with the five He had given another servant. Each servant was required to be faithful with what he was given (with his own talent)... not with what another servant was given. This should be a great comfort to you. Too often we feel like we have to be doing what someone else is doing or we aren't doing enough, or we are missing it somewhere. This is a trick of the enemy to burden you down with a lot of busyness in your flesh and cause you to take on more than God has called you to do.

Each of us must be faithful with what God has given us to do and not feel that we have to do what someone else is doing. God will not require anything more of you than what He has given you. If He didn't give you "five talents" He won't require you to give an account of five talents. So don't worry about what someone else is doing... just be faithful with what God has called you to do. Be faithful with the "one" if that is all He has given you.... and do it in such a way that God will be glorified.

Reference "About the Master's Business Ministry"

Re: What I Want Now: Bold Necklaces

What a coincidence! Last week I posted a What I Want Now column about bold necklaces and this week Kelly Roland walks out of my head onto the streets of London looking beautifully and effortlessly fabulous with everything imagined worn perfectly to the T!

Daily Devotion

'There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee : I will not fail thee , nor forsake thee."

"Remember the word which Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, saying, The Lord your God hath given you rest, and hath given you this land."

Joshua 1:5-13

Friday, June 4, 2010

Interview: Mary Mary

Through their music I have felt as if the beautiful sounds of Mary Mary where coming directly from my own voice and when I read their short interview with Artistdirect.com, I was happily amazed to find out why. Everyone has a testimony and our experiences allow our testimonies to hold value for us. Tina & Ericka Campbell expressed how the song "I Worship You" on their latest album The Sounds, was able to hold as much power as it does for them because of their own experiences.

"Tina and I know where we come from. Even though we're singing gospel music, we don’t try to be perfect. We know that we've made some pretty bad mistakes and we've done some pretty ugly things in our lives. I think that’s why we're so confident when we talk about the ability to transform your life from inside out. When we think about all that we are—all the negative things that have taken place in our live—and who we are now, we feel so grateful. I just have to thank God. Changing the way you think is the biggest transformation. You're not negative, not fearful and you’re not terrified of life and taking chances. You don't look at a problem as a sign that you’re not doing something right. A problem is just a problem, and you're going to make it through and be stronger because of it. "I Worship You" is about that. It's a really emotional song for my sister and I, because we can’t help but look back"

The sisters are currently working on their next album which is due out this fall.

Summer Hair Care and Protection: Part 1

Now that the pools are open it's time to also open our minds to the possibility that one can sustain healthy hair with the proper hair care tools. Many of us are turning towards braids to refrain from to much damage to our tresses.But for my natural sisters if you are an active swimmer its your job to be your hair's first line of defense from dry water, sun and chlorine. Re-hydrating your hair immediately after leaving the water with a spray leave in conditioner until you are able to do a thorough wash and condition, will not only begin the repair process early but also protect you hair from the suns harsh rays that will be drying your hair out at the same time. Ultra moisture is key and begins with the wash to the conditioning and styling process. Ions Purifying Solutions has a product line that caters to swimmers hair at affordable prices. This week at Sally Beauty supply store Ion's Swimmer products are on sale and with purchase you receive a free pool bag valued at 14.99, which is surprisingly cute.
When you are able to make it to your stylist be sure to request a treatment that will protect your hair from you everyday life and styling.

Ke$ha - TiK ToK

Today was my first time listening to the lyrics of this song. It brought back that old feeling when my girls and I would turn on that one song to get us amped and ready to hit the clubs and party like it was 1999. Those days are gone but this tune is fun and for those of you still rocking it out! Enjoy this beautiful Friday Evening and be safe!

Daily Devotion: It's The Truth

"And God said...." Genesis 3:1a

I'm sure you have seen the bumper sticker that says, "God said it, I believe it, that settles it." (I know I have talked about this before -but I feel impressed to talk about it again.) It should read, "God said it, that settles it." God's word is settled; it is the truth whether you believe it or not. The fact that you believe it doesn't make it true, neither does the fact that you don't believe it make it untrue. God doesn't need anyone to believe His word in order to make it the truth. As a matter of fact, at the beginning of creation when God said - He spoke and everything was created- there wasn't one soul around to believe what God said.... but it was still the truth.

Believing God's word doesn't make it true... it is true already... it's the truth. But what it does do is cause it to "work" in your life. When you believe it, you appropriate the blessings that are connected to it. In other words, you reap the benefits that come from putting faith in what God says. So, having established (and settled) the issue of the truth of God's word regardless of whether anyone believes it or not, the question would be, "Are you going to believe it?" Are you going to take God at His word, trust what He says, put your faith, confidence, and assurance in it? If you don't it won't make it any less the truth, you just won't enjoy the blessings and rewards that come from believing it.

Reference: About The Master's Business Ministry

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What I Want Now: Bold Necklaces

It's hot outside and I am doing my best to wear as less layers of clothing as possible and the easiest way to do this for me with out doing to much is pairing bold necklaces with light weight cotton tanks and tees. Well known designer Rachel Roy has a most surprisingly well priced selection of statement making necklaces.

Above: Treasures of the sea necklace, $95. Worn gold necklace with blue mixed, price n/a. Fabric chain necklace, $185.


Giving Him Praises Anyhow

“So will I sing praise unto thy name for ever. that I may daily perform my vows.”Psalm 61:8

Everyday along with a new sunrise and sunset, we live through new experiences of hurt & happiness. Each emotion and experience brings us to a new thought of needs and wants. I need to feel the happiness of my children and loved ones that are around me on a daily basis in order to enjoy my day. If my mate is not in a happy state, neither am I. But that was putting to much pressure on my mate to be happy for me when he wasn't happy for himself. When my daughter came home with a bad report I would allow her attitude to transform my own attitude to fit her's, thus each of us rubbing our bad attitudes off on the rest of the house. It wasn't fair for me to put so much on my child. I am suppose to turn her frown upside down, give her assurance that tomorrow will better for that is a mothers job. I allowed my mood shifts to control what I did or did not do through out the day and eventually nothing was getting done.
One cannot expect another flaw filled human being like ourselves to determine our state of happiness. We all have those mornings of waking up on the wrong side of the bed and most of the time not even knowing why. We treat our co-workers and friends with nonchalant attitudes of disrespect and expect them to understand.
I come from a musically talented family and growing up, giving our voices to the Lord in praise was like breathing. I got tired of feeling this emotional low because of everyone else's unhappiness so I had to learn how to redirect all of that bad energy around to work for me and not against me.
It states in Proverbs 22:6 " Train a child up in the way they should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it", and therefor I followed myself back to my real self and remembered how good it felt to be in church singing, at rehearsals practicing, and in my room crying his praises. Even then, being so young, I felt the spirit all over me assuring me that he is here and will never leave me. No matter what I may or may not have been going through, nothing in this world has ever made me feel so good. Nothing to this day has ever made me feel as good as it does when the Lord is involved. So, I came to the conclusion that if it feels good to include him in my thoughts when I am happy, why not include him when I am sad, tired, stressed, busy, and when I have nothing to do. I've consumed every aspect of my life with the faith that no matter what, He'll make it OK. Just right, just for me. Its a great thing to know that I may not be happy now but give Him a minute to hear my praises and I'll be back like new. Ready to do His work!

"He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife: but he that putteth his trust in the LORD shall be made fat." Proverbs 28:25

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Daily Devotion

Your life is not a boring stretch of highway. It's a straight line to heaven. And just look at the fields ripening along the way. Look at the tenacity and endurance. Look at the grains of righteousness. You'll have quite a crop at harvest.....so don't give up!

-Joni Eareckson Tada

Lady Gaga

The fashion world is up in arms today over Lady Gaga destroying her 2nd Hermes Birkin bag. An Hermes bag can set you back $20,000 if you are fortunate enough to already be set ahead of the 20 thousand mark. I can understand the distressed emotions of my fellow fashionistas, but in the ever so intriguing mind of Gaga, this should come as no surprise. To her money is nothing and definitely not worth the praises that we give to the material items money affords us. For $20,000 I better be able to take that bag through the storm and back.

What I Want Now: Snakeskin

Versace Block color python bag, $2,895.
Jimmy Choo Quito snakeskin shoe boots, $1,295.

Donald Lawrence & Co - Back II Eden (Radio Version)

My family and I sung this tune at Sundays service. It was awesome and moving!


By Robbin Crawford

We live in a broken world with broken people. Inside us, we all have areas of brokenness: Broken Dreams, Broken Spirits, Broken Hearts, Broken Relationships, even a Broken Sense of Self Esteem. A Broken Heart can hold us back from taking part in an authentic and loving relationship, Broken Self Esteem can stop us from exemplifying a positive and productive personality, and a Broken Spirit finds it virtually impossible to experience real joy.

The question is, how are we going to deal with the brokenness in our lives? Will we put on our polished Sunday Faces and pretend all is well with us, or will we deal with it? Realize that in dealing with the reality of brokenness, it requires truth. We must admit that we have messed-up-broken-down-heaps-of-lives. We scurry from one relationship to the next without allowing ourselves time to breathe. In our search for Mr. Perfect, we compromise our integrity, yet compounding additional brokenness.

Jesus said, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Through the brokenness of our lives we can become the vessels that God intended us to me. God gave us Wisdom which is in His Word. Through His Word brokenness can be repaired. Maybe that Broken Dream was your dream that did not fit His plan for your life. That Broken Relationship was never ordained by God and never destined to be, because it was never part of His plan for your life.

As long as we rely on our own foolish pride and selfishness, lusting after the flesh, we will continue to live a broken life, filled with frustration and loneliness. Brokenness stops at the point where our spirit yields to His Will. God uses our brokenness to reveal to us our need for Him and to prepare us for future service. Let Him perfect your brokenness. God’s ultimate goal is spiritual victory.

Let us look at a glass that has fallen to the floor and broken into many pieces. We can easily sweep the pieces together and discard them in the trash. But God takes those broken pieces and fits them tightly together in such a manner that they will never be broken again. We just have to surrender it all to Him. God Bless!

Marvin Winans- I'm over it now