Wednesday, July 14, 2010


So, I have finally let loose the chains of slavery that held me to making post. Don't get me wrong, I love my blog, but I am not in love with it. I started this as an outlet for my growth in Christ and as an outlet for all things that excite me like God, hair, my kids, and life in general. But I found myself searching for followers and checking in how many people viewed and commented. I would also want to post eeevvverything that felt good at any moment. There is nothing wrong with that, but my time is limited and I was being selfish. I would really get down and out when I could post and almost shut it down at one time. When that time came I just stopped and asked the Lord to guide me, keep me in check and in line with His purpose. Since that prayer I have no concerns if no one ever sees this. Now this is my diary of sorts, and reference for me to look back on and remember happy days when sad ones have come and the joys that I experienced at certain moments. And I pray that for those eyes that do see this, maybe they can relate and take something away from it all. With that being said, until next time........

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