Monday, July 26, 2010

A Lesson From My Daddy Part 1

The CCb would like to welcome new addition to the family, Ms. Detra Allen. As a stay at home mother, entrepreneur and a child of God, growing and learning more about life, family, and of course above all, the Lord, Detra has many words of encouragement for mother's like ourselves, to share with the willing and listening soul. This is the 1st installment of Parenting Through God. Please stay tuned for many more.

For so long I've been trying to figure out the secret to life so that I can save my children time and teach it to them. Today I learned that I wasted a lot time a lot of years actually, and accepted, FINALLY, that I will never know the answers, and I'm ok with that. So actually, one of the best things I can do for my children is not explain to them why I make the decisions that I make. I'm reminded of a time when LaRoe asked for chocolate milk and I told him no without explanation. He couldn't understand but I knew I had plans for icecream after dinner. My ultimate goal would be that eventually he learns to trust and respect my no's and yet have faith, believe and expect the best yes even when he doesn't understand. And I should trust God that way. But until I build that kind of trust with LaRoe I do know that LaRoe trusts me in other areas. He doesn't sit his room worrying how the rent is going to be paid this month or whether its a good idea to spend money on fun friday this week, or not eating all of his food because he wants to make sure he has something to eat tomorrow. Just the thought of that saddens me. What if he did? What if he turned down his allowance because he was afraid he wouldn't be able to pay the light bill. I would tell him that's not his responsibility and to just have fun and be a child. That's how God wants us to live. It's not our responsiblity to worry but just have fun and be a child of God. He doesn't want us to live a life of worry and fear. He want us to live a life of love and praise to Him, hard work and good deeds for the weak, poor and needy. God is going to pay our bills, take care of health and all our other needs. We really have to look at him as not only our Father but our Daddy. And he feels the same way when he sees us sitting in our room worrying how the rent is going to be paid, not enjoying our lives, spreading love to others, and bringing glory to his name. If his eye is on the sparrow and he provides worms for them then I know he's watching me. There's a scripture somewhere in the bible that says he knows how many strands of hair are on our heads, now how comforting is that. I can just imagine HIM hovering on me while I'm a sleep with my head in his lap counting each and every strand of my hair (and I don't know about you but I love having my hair played with)! What a great feeling to know how much He loves, adores, and treasures me. Some people say that God doesn't always answer our prayers but I've heard that He does answer our prayers sometimes the answer is just no but now I know to trust and respect His no's yet have faith, believe and expect the best yes even when I don't understand it's only because he plans for me to eat ice-cream after my dinner.
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