Sunday, July 25, 2010

I Won, I won!

I enter contest all the time with no expectations of winning but with my fingers still crossed behind my back. The first time I won a contest was when I was 13yrs old. I won tickets from my favorite radio station at 2:00 a.m., to see my favorite rap group at the time, Kris Kross. That was so long ago and I hadn't won a single thing since then. That was until now. In recent weeks I have entered maybe five contest, and out of those five, I have won three! That, in my book, is amazing. The amazing part about it is not that I actually won a contest, but because out of those five, the three that I did win where prizes that I actually wanted or needed for specific purposes meeting certain needs of my life. The other two, I entered on a thought of "why not, its a contest". My point here is not to brag, but I realized that while for so long when I wasn't winning contest for free cars or vacations, those where not things that I needed in my life at the time. But what I did need is what I have been given.

For the opportunities to win these great prizes I would like to give a thanks first to All Things Creative at, from whom I won a beautiful basket from Tea and Honey Blends hair care product line for natural hair. The Gleam Shine Serum and Curl Definer does a great job on my daughters hair that produces more frizz than I can handle some days.

Second, I would like to thank a good friend Sherell Anderson, for the Sweet Pea body spray and lotion from Bath & Body Works, and the feel good lip gloss by E.L.F.. And Lastly, to for the Misikko Hana Elite Flat Iron which was a major need for my profession as a hair stylist. I had been saving up now for months now so that I could purchase one for my birthday. With value of almost $400, I would have been saving for quite a long time.

And of course I would like to thank God for with out you none of this is possible and with you I know that all things are possible. Thank you (exit stage left).


  1. LOL @ your acceptance speech! :) By the way, my site is actually :)

  2. Thank you , thank you, lol. Sorry for the wrong web add....updated:)
