Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Cant Hold On Hang On

My significant other has the quote Cant hold on hang on, tattooed on the back of his right hand. I never quite understood the meaning of it until it finally hit me when doing one of my many self evaluations. Every now and then, as we Christians often do, I loose focus and my mind wonders from its rightful place with the Lord. I get wrapped up in keeping house, staying on schedule with my kids, and fitting new appointments into my already short days. I know I have gotten off of track when my temper becomes shorter with my rambunctious 7 year old, or when I want to turn in early because of built up frustration and anxiety from a busy day. It was on one of these days that the meaning of that quote, Cant hold on hang on, made perfect sense. When I loose my focus and feel these moments of frustration and overwhelming anxiety begin to fill my veins, I simply need to hang on to the promises of better days. Hang on to the memories of those days when my mind was fixed on the Lord, allowing him to guide my every step from sun up to sun down. Those days where filed with absolute joy with thoughts of the Lord being my guiding light. Training me, and molding me to fit hit master plan.
We all need these days. We all loose sight and its because of these days that we are able to recognize our blessings. Recognize the mercy that we have been given over and over again that has pulled us through these days. I'm holding tight to my faith and hanging on His every word, and with that, I'm looking forward to these days that are sure to come.

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