Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mommy Day Care

The summer is still fresh and I am worn out already. I wouldn't trade my stay at home mom position for the world, but there has got to be a better way. It's not so much the kids that I keep, but my one kid that is never satisfied. Understandably, Nielah, my 7yr. old, is fed up with being my assistant and hates it when her time for attention comes upon us because the time is spent doing work books and learning activities on the computer. I wish there was more that I could do, but with my demanding and untimely schedule between the kids and hair, I am lost(im working hard to find my crafting skills at the same time, which still seem to be lost as well).
Rambunctious Nielah

In this August addition of Parenting Magazine, there is a great article named "Camp Mamawanda" that talks about creating you own summer camps with a collaboration of other stay at home parents. The idea is that each parent host camp at their home for a day. The best part about this idea is that it is practically free! And with the high prices of summer camps and day cares now, what more could you ask for.
Each parent picks a theme for the day and builds their schedule around that theme. For example: animal exploration day would consist of the morning starting off with coloring sheets with different animals while waiting for everyone to arrive for the day. Then moving on to books, songs, and circle time and different indoor and outdoor activities all based around the animal theme. Be mindful and picky without shame as to the parents and kids that you choose to include, and open communication and consideration is a big must when dealing with other peoples children.
I will definitely be working on this for next summer. It allows plenty of free time during the week for each parent and is a big save on the pockets and your nerves!
Now recruiting!

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