Monday, July 5, 2010

No Efforts In The Flesh

"Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."Matthew 26:41

Have you ever wondered why it seems to be so hard to "walk in the spirit", but so easy to "walk in the flesh"? The answer to this is no great mystery- actually, it's very simple. Walking in or living in or minding the things of the flesh takes absolutely no effort at all on our part. Giving into the flesh means that you go along with what it wants to do. There is no struggle, no battle, no discomfort. You are being led around like a puppy on a lease that is not putting up a fight. If my flesh wants to stay in bed late, how much effort does it take to turn back over? If it wants to lay on the couch for hours at a time and watch television, does that take any work on my part? If it wants to eat until it "pops", the only effort involved is to continue to pick up your fork and put it to your mouth. Yielding to the flesh is effortless and mindless- it's takes no "brains" to go along with it's desires. It requires no discipline so therefore it's easier to "walk in the flesh".

It's only when you decide to "give into the spirit" that the battle begins. Why? Because your flesh won't be getting it's way any longer. It has to make some changes. It's having to do some denying, it's losing control. It takes effort to deny your flesh. It takes a determination of will and mind. It involves having to do something, having to fight, to wage war, to engage in combat, having to get uncomfortable, having to give up something- this is "work".

Walking in the flesh may be easier because it takes no effort to do so, but the consequences in the long run are great. Making the effort to deny your flesh in order to walk in the spirit, is worth it and will bring a great reward with it. So, walk in the spirit and stop giving into the flesh.

Have a blessed day. It takes no effort to walk in the flesh, but the effort it takes to walk in the spirit is worth it.

Reference About The Master's Business Ministry.

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