Friday, May 14, 2010

Ugly Betty: Speak to my heart Lord

I'm unfortunately not a regular watcher of Ugly Betty, but with each episode I do catch, I regret that I missed the last. The best in fashion is showcased in an almost artistic style and Ugly Betty is more than full of laughter and drama to fill anyones cup. But it wasn't until just now, while watching my favorite Internet station,, that I have come to realize how much substance that the show obtained. In season 4 episode 18, Betty travels abroad for Mode magazine and her sisters Bridal shower. While enjoying all the perks of being a top fashion editor, the offer to be a Fashion columnist is thrown at her feet. Running into an ex-boyfriend, Betty is given a realty check in following her dreams to take the time and blog about what is important to her and focus on her real life vs work her life away for a fashion magazine with perks along the way but no real fulfillment. This is everything that I have been battling with myself for the past year. I can only give credit for this to my Father above for he says "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." -- 2 Chronicles 7:14
Plainly put, the more that you seek the lord through your actions and mind, his blessings will abundantly unfold right before your eyes. He will tell you what path to take if you ask and trust that it shall be. Easier said done you say? Most positively if you keep searching for Him day in and day out. Read, pray, cry, talk, think, wait on Him.
Now that devil Willamina! I have never seen such conniving in all the soap opera's on t.v.. That, is what is the epitome of the devil in the blue designer dress....dressed to kill! OK. If you watch the show, you understand. We aren't going to spend time her talking about him to much.
I recommend Ugly Betty as a great watch at the end of a long day to laugh the stress away.

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