Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Heavy Hearted

On a regular day I am full of spirit and nothing but good vibrations, but today was not the same. Inspite of my life stifes, I love my life, my family and the position that the Lord has set me in and would not change a thing. But today, I am heavy hearted with concern for my family and friends. Today has been hard and an emotional rollercoaster. I woke up with heavy tear drops waiting for me to let them go, and I had no idea why. So I read, gave my thanks any how and waited. In due time it was layed out before me. I dont know what will come of everything that my eyes have been opened to in the last 24hrs, but I expect nothing but the best to come from the prayers that I send up. I pray for their state of mind wellbeing and that they recieve peace in there minds, hearts, and households. Giving you my thanks in advance. AMEN

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