Friday, May 14, 2010

Divine Intervention

As I sit, typing my very first post, I cannot shake the overwhelming feeling of thankfullness. Its a feeling that, lately, I have come to know all too well and have no wants of letting this feeling go. As a stay-at-home mother of two, this is a position that I have coveted for long before my second child was concieved. Before his arrival, after being laid off from my job as a Customer Service Rep, being home with no hopes of finding a new job was fun but at the same time an experience that I did not need in my life at the time. Broke and playing the role of a single parent, I wallowed in self pitty and expectations of everyone around me to hold us down. I mean, I felt as though I did my part to do the same when they where in need, so, why should I expect any less from them, right? Oh, how wrong I was!
I have always been a child of God and grew up in the church and had faith, but my faith in faith was shakeable. The devil was intervening in my life and home in more ways than one, and it took me learning the hard way as most of us do, that all along God was setting me up for a "Divine Intervention".
Finding my way back to my home church and the family that has always "held me down" I then began to realize that it wasnt a job, friends or more money that I needed. I needed to my Lord. I needed, more than air, for him to take over my mind, body, and soul and to make me anew and without hesitation, that exactly what he did. It hasnt been an easy process and the loss of dear friends, the gaining of new ones, and relationships rebuilt have made it even harder than one could imagine.
I have no regrets about the process and experiences that I endured to be where I am now. Still a stay-at-home mom, the Lord has shown me my purpose for being where he has placed me and has given me the site to make complete sense of the past 29 years of my life.
It's an awsome and most humbling experience to be able to tell my story and inspire others. It takes much devotion to keep this feeling going, but I will not waiver and will “ run in the path of His commands, for he has set our hearts free.” Psalm 119:32 NIV.

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