Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Honey Magazine interviews Misa Hylton

At first mention of the name Misa Hylton, your brain is automatically redirected to Sean "Puffy" Combs aka P. Diddy. You are thinking that Diddy is the reason why she is successful, but she makes it clear to that no one else can take the credit for her success other than God.
Misa wears the many hats of mother, lover, Fashion Technology Consultant,mentor and stylist. She's faced the same strife's in life that all woman endure but holding tight to her dignity she's learned that giving God the thanks keeps her pressing forward.

" I had been featured in major magazines, and had worked
with icons in the industry. And all with no publicist.
I’m very proud of my success. To be clear, Sean introduced
me to many of my celebrity clients, and I’ll always honor that.
But everything I have comes from God and that’s my provider."

Keep your eye out for Ms. Hylton. She currently has in the works a line of lace front and high quality wigs. For full article visit

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