Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday Morning Praise: Tithes and Offerings

This morning, like every other morning, I rise with a strong case of anxiety on my chest and mind. They say that what you close your eyes and mind to at the end of the day will still be there in the morning. In my times of being broke, for the past few years, I have practiced the act of praise and a full committed belief that the Lord will provide the needs of my family. He has proven this over and over again, and those close to me still wonder how I am able to keep my mind at peace during these times. I share my testimonies on a daily basis to those who want to hear it, but my testimonies cant bring upon their own.
A very important testimony was given to me through my acts of tithing. One particular day comes to mind for me to share. As I have shared before, due to circumstances beyond my control, I am not always able to attend my home church, so I try to make it a point to walk to one of the churches in my neighborhood. On one particular Sunday morning, I was at my wits end with wrecking my brain, trying to figure out how a particular bill, that could no be skipped, was going to be paid. My homes emotional state was at a boiling point because of the stress. and the morning was not starting off right. Upon opening my front door and seeing the Lord's radiant sunshine, my daughter and I gleefully skipped down the block, excited for our new experience to come. A wonderful message was given about others not being able to take your blessing, which hit close to home. After the morning message, as usual, the preachers ask for all to reach in there pockets and give there tithes and donations for the week. Now I wasn't a member of this church so I did not want to donate, per say, but I felt an overwhelming feeling to give everything I had left on my being. Down to my last $25.00, I reached in my purse and handed my daughter a $20 bill, to place in the basket. A few minutes later the preacher request that we then give a donation to the guest preacher and his family as thanks. Feeling fulfilled with his message, I had no problems with donating my last $5. It felt good because this is what the Lord wants.
Later that evening, I had plans of attending a Cash for Gold Party that my mother was hosting. Id had some gold jewelry to exchange for cash, but not nearly enough for me to get excited about. Like everyone before me, I was called in the study for my treasures to be examined and I walked out better than the state I was walking in, with $300 in my hand. The exact amount I needed for my bill! This may seem like a well pitched ploy to win over non-believers, but I refuse to believe that it was anything but the acts of the Lord.

"And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

"Give and it shall be given to you..." Luke 6:38

He spoke these words, and in my life, they have come to pass. I continue my tithing when I do make an appearance in the church, but I have found myself on more than one occasion feeling the need to keep something in my pockets in case of emergency, knowingly wrong. It can be hard to obey God's leadings to give when there isn't much of anything to give. In my own lessons learned, I strongly encourage that if we can save up for a down payment on a house or vacations, that we can practice this same discipline as Christians when it comes to giving our 10%. Tithing is not a means for salvation, so do not give with a heart of burden for this task. 2 Corinthians 9:7 says that we are not to give under compulsion, but cheerfully. As we know, our God is all knowing and that, he wont except.

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast." Ephesians 2:8-9

The rewards of this simple task are amazing! Today, I am broke, but I will with an open and unashamed heart be more than happy to empty my piggy bank and give unto him my very last for the many blessings of my household.

"To whom much is given, much is required." Luke 12:48

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