Saturday, May 15, 2010

T.I. on Larry King Live

If you haven't had a chance to see Larry King Live interview with T.I. , it'll be worth your time to check out a little. The interview was one of the most comfortable interviews to watch and not feel as if Larry was coming out of pocket with his questions. Touring another blog (cant remember which one) they wrote about his amazing usage of big words. But with all that he has lived through wouldn't you expect a man to be just as articulate? More so, a man of his status? He has an all to familiar ora about him that you must admire. The most striking part of the interview to me, was when T.I. explained why he felt that his sentence of 1 year and a day, was a fair sentence. He's a major influence on our young man and as he plainly put it, he is no good to anyone behind bars. At the 6:00 mark, they show clips of T.I speaking to boys in a juvenile custody facilities. You feel the God in him and the passion behind his words that he would not have if it weren't for his experiences. We all know a T.I.. Not filthy rich, but just as experienced and smart, if not more (I said smart not mature). These are the man that we must build up to teach our young man.
I must admit that I am secretly in love with T.I. (though shall not judge me), but I am whole-heartidly happy for the family and life that he and Tameka have built together. They are truly and abundantly blessed.

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