Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Love and Marriage

Being in Love is an overwhelming feeling that no human being can do with out. Love comforts, consoles, and can even tear you apart. Marriage is a union of man and woman offering up their dedication to be true to each other in the eyes of our Lord. These two words together can build individuals and families and when done properly can change the world around you. I am an unmarried Christian and in the process of building my home through Christ with marriage in my future. It is not an easy process, but then again He didn't say that it would be.
As a contemporary christian, I do cohabitate with my significant other. Everyday I feel guilt for expecting God to bless us with a happy home. I've clearly committed sins in the act of fornication before marriage, now being the mother of two beautiful angels. With many more sinful acts under my belt, no one is greater than the other and all can be forgiven.
My struggle now is having assurance before jumping the broom that this is the path He has set for me. I pray all day while typing, cleaning, working, and when tending to the needs of my family. Through my prayers and constant search of the word it is there that I have come to realize that there is no assurrance that can be given in any other way besides through my faith in faith. I have faith that He will provide for my family by any means neccessary and that he has proved. I have faith that he has more in store for than what my wildest dreams could imagine. I just couldnt imagine, with so much presently against us, how things would be better after marriage.
Search for a deeper relationship with God, brings about daily knowledge and strength that only He will allow you to recieve. In my search, I learned that a successfull relationship does not soley rest on the ability to get along, but begins with a shared bond in Christ. This bond brings two single souls to one common ground of understanding that without Christ it just wont work. All mole hills can and will appear as mountains before you, too hard to climb over. Strength and belief that no matter the issue together with Christ, communication is second nature, understanding is common practice and love conquers all. It is a much enduring process but with much prayer and persaverance each day feels better than the day before because you have come one step closer to what He has planned.
For more information for married couples and those preparing for marriage visit www.marriagemissions.com


  1. I love this post denet!!! u are absolutely right!! we all have done/are doing things that aren't pleasing in our God's eyes. and this is the reason we are diciples because we still have so much to learn. as u stated, as long as we continue to pray, and seek him, we will eventually develop into what he has called us to be!! i pray to God daily to remove hinderances from my life that pull me further away from him, and he does just that!! thanks for sharing!!!

  2. Wow, this is another awesome topic for conversation. Let me see, I've been married for almost 31 years as of June and we were sexually active also prior to marriage.

    With that being said, I have endured many seen and unforeseen struggles. However, God does honor marriage between a man and a woman! I have found that when we align ourselves with the Word of God then, God places his grace and endurance upon us as individuals and our marriage! It is impossible for God to go outside of his word because He is the Word! And, he will not deny himself!

    It is apparent that we should not expect God to bless us when we are not walking according to his Word. There are some things that we have to do again, in this case . . if we want to be free from some things, then we must do what the scriptures says in Hebs. 12; 1 . . Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. If we want God to bless us then we must submit ourselves to Him. Romans 6;1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound. God forbid! How shall we that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

    As I stated above, I have been through many seen and unforeseen struggles. However, it took more than just LOVE as we know it, to keep us together. It also took an understanding of the Word of God and an understanding of history along with an understanding of generational curses. Your history includes all of those before you! What did your daddy and mother do in their marriage? What did their parent's do in their marriages? When you have to deal with marriage relationships it is important for you to KNOW what you may to be encountering prior to the "I do's"! If you already have the (411 or the INTELLIGENCE) beforehand, it will help you to make a more sound decision. The is why pre-marital counseling with a spririt filled faith/word based church.

    Understand, that LOVE is not enough its only the beginning! After the honeymoon is over, you will encounter all sorts of things that can be difficult because now, its no longer you alone! Its a oneness or a merging of two different people from two different places with two different understandings and two different histories. How about that?

    Marriage is not a 50/50 most of the time, for those who would like to think that it is! Sometimes, its a 30/70, 40/60, 10/90 . . its like that! You cannot have your way all of the time just because you are the wife or visa versa. Its . . maybe, I get my way today and you will get yours tomorrow. That's what love does! Its our anniversary but, she has to do everything. No, its OUR anniversary and we should do something. Maybe, you plan something this time and he plan something next time. Or, plan something together all the time.

    Okay, let me tell you a story that a preacher told. I hope you're ready for this one. A couple came into the Pastor's office wanting to get counseling because they weren't getting along or wanted a divorce. The Pastor told them, he only had a few minutes, "but tell me what's going on." Well, she was complaining because he did not give her any money. He was complaining because she didn't want to give him sex. So, the Pastor solved the problem by telling them this. You (the wife) give him sex then, he looked at the husband and said, and you pay her for it!lol So, the problem was solved quickly.

    There is a price that will be paid for the success of the marriage but, it will be up to you to work it! The Spirit of God is there to help you through but, you must do the work!

  3. Glenda Ellsworth . . . correction!May 19, 2010 at 1:25 PM

    Last sentence in the 3rd paragraph should read:

    This is why pre-marital counseling in a Spirit filled faith/word based church is essential.
