Monday, May 24, 2010

Elin Woods Means Business

This topic of discussion has been the elephant in the room for months since Tiger's dirty indiscretions where layed out for all of the world to judge. I like to consider my self a person of non-judgement and more so opinionated, so I of course will share my opinions on this sad dissolution of marriage.

I have prayed for this family since news first broke of the drama. I really hoped that maybe Elin would be able to forgive Tiger, demand individual and family counseling, and come out of this situation stronger than they where before they jumped the broom. I know you are thinking I'm crazy, but you never know. I'm not trying to fool anyone into thinking that I would follow my own advise, but it would have feel good to receive such sound advise no matter my decision. What I do know is that if I where in her shoes and I allowed God to take hold of it all and guide us, I have no doubt that it would have worked out for the best. I'm just not there, and obviously Elin isn't either.

Elin is not taking this dissolution lightly and is taking Tiger to the cleaners. Reports state that Elin is demanding $750 million from the divorce settlement, full custody of their two children, and refuses to sign a confidentiality clause that will prevent her from writing a book or doing any interviews about their relationship. I don't see any good coming from all this for either one of them and especially for the kids. I pray that this doesn't get any nastier than what it already is and everything can end civil on a civil.

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