Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Heavy Hearted

On a regular day I am full of spirit and nothing but good vibrations, but today was not the same. Inspite of my life stifes, I love my life, my family and the position that the Lord has set me in and would not change a thing. But today, I am heavy hearted with concern for my family and friends. Today has been hard and an emotional rollercoaster. I woke up with heavy tear drops waiting for me to let them go, and I had no idea why. So I read, gave my thanks any how and waited. In due time it was layed out before me. I dont know what will come of everything that my eyes have been opened to in the last 24hrs, but I expect nothing but the best to come from the prayers that I send up. I pray for their state of mind wellbeing and that they recieve peace in there minds, hearts, and households. Giving you my thanks in advance. AMEN

Daily Devotion

We look at our burdens and heavy loads, and we shrink from them. But, if we lift them and bind them about our hearts, they become wings, and on them we can rise and soar toward God.

-Mrs. Charles E. Cowman

Monday, May 24, 2010

Indique Hair

We are all tight on funds and sacrifice our owmn needs and wants for the needs of our families, but one thing we can not afford to cut corners on is the quality of a good weave. From personal experience as a hair stylist, woman don't know all the necessary information required when it comes to picking out a good weave and we end up putting our fate into the hands of an Asian sales person, only to realize a week out that the hair was the worst batch of hair that they could have possibly sold.
It takes research with your hair as it does with anything else in your life to guarantee that you are receiving the best products for your mane. Set out on my quest to find the best quality in weave I came across one site that offers woman more than just weave. Indique Virgin Indian Hair is located in India with and have office in the states located in Boston, MA and New York, NY. Indique is located at the source of where the best quality weave comes from. Indique’s unique Indian virgin and natural human hair extensions are lustrous, and tangle free. Indian hair is of outstanding quality since it has never been exposed to harsh chemical treatments and has been groomed in natural herbal oils. They also provide a line of wigs and many different collections for every hair type and style.
I have worn this hair myself and my sew-in lasted 4 months with maintenance. They are not cheap, but well worth every penny. Their line of products can be found in a selected few beauty supply stores.


Elin Woods Means Business

This topic of discussion has been the elephant in the room for months since Tiger's dirty indiscretions where layed out for all of the world to judge. I like to consider my self a person of non-judgement and more so opinionated, so I of course will share my opinions on this sad dissolution of marriage.

I have prayed for this family since news first broke of the drama. I really hoped that maybe Elin would be able to forgive Tiger, demand individual and family counseling, and come out of this situation stronger than they where before they jumped the broom. I know you are thinking I'm crazy, but you never know. I'm not trying to fool anyone into thinking that I would follow my own advise, but it would have feel good to receive such sound advise no matter my decision. What I do know is that if I where in her shoes and I allowed God to take hold of it all and guide us, I have no doubt that it would have worked out for the best. I'm just not there, and obviously Elin isn't either.

Elin is not taking this dissolution lightly and is taking Tiger to the cleaners. Reports state that Elin is demanding $750 million from the divorce settlement, full custody of their two children, and refuses to sign a confidentiality clause that will prevent her from writing a book or doing any interviews about their relationship. I don't see any good coming from all this for either one of them and especially for the kids. I pray that this doesn't get any nastier than what it already is and everything can end civil on a civil.

The Book Club

Here is a new book from my favorite author Vanessa Miller. This book is a follow up from Vanessa 1st book in her Forsaken series and will hit the shelves June 6th. I have not read this series yet, but I am more than sure it will be a great read. Book description reads:

"Pastor Jerome Tyler (JT) Thomas is back! But this time JT is committed to God and his family in ways he never considered possible. After losing everything because of past indiscretions, JT realizes that he doesn’t want to live without God or his family and begins to turn his life around. But his wife hasn’t forgotten the dirt in his backyard and denies JT the very thing he craves – forgiveness. When his mother-in-law and ex-mistress hatch a plot to destroy him, JT discovers that he will need all the Holy Ghost power he can muster to stay true.

Cassandra Thomas loves her husband, and wants their marriage to work. But JT destroyed her trust when he cheated on her with one woman after the next. Try as she might, Cassandra just can’t forgive. The trust and the thrill is gone from her marriage. In times of trouble, Cassandra has always turned to God for help, but can God soften her heart enough so that she can forgive a man like JT?"

Vanessa does not have the available budget to market this book, so please tell a friend to tell a friend. Word of mouth really works!


Daily Devotional

The things we think are the things that feed our souls. If we think on pure and lovely things, we shall grow pure and lovely like them; and the converse is equally true.
- Hannah Whitall Smith

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Re: What I Want Now

Looky what I found. SJP in Brian Atwoods Loca studded heels. I dont know about that outfit Sarah, but I makes no difference. The shoes say it all!

Sunday Morning Praise: Tithes and Offerings

This morning, like every other morning, I rise with a strong case of anxiety on my chest and mind. They say that what you close your eyes and mind to at the end of the day will still be there in the morning. In my times of being broke, for the past few years, I have practiced the act of praise and a full committed belief that the Lord will provide the needs of my family. He has proven this over and over again, and those close to me still wonder how I am able to keep my mind at peace during these times. I share my testimonies on a daily basis to those who want to hear it, but my testimonies cant bring upon their own.
A very important testimony was given to me through my acts of tithing. One particular day comes to mind for me to share. As I have shared before, due to circumstances beyond my control, I am not always able to attend my home church, so I try to make it a point to walk to one of the churches in my neighborhood. On one particular Sunday morning, I was at my wits end with wrecking my brain, trying to figure out how a particular bill, that could no be skipped, was going to be paid. My homes emotional state was at a boiling point because of the stress. and the morning was not starting off right. Upon opening my front door and seeing the Lord's radiant sunshine, my daughter and I gleefully skipped down the block, excited for our new experience to come. A wonderful message was given about others not being able to take your blessing, which hit close to home. After the morning message, as usual, the preachers ask for all to reach in there pockets and give there tithes and donations for the week. Now I wasn't a member of this church so I did not want to donate, per say, but I felt an overwhelming feeling to give everything I had left on my being. Down to my last $25.00, I reached in my purse and handed my daughter a $20 bill, to place in the basket. A few minutes later the preacher request that we then give a donation to the guest preacher and his family as thanks. Feeling fulfilled with his message, I had no problems with donating my last $5. It felt good because this is what the Lord wants.
Later that evening, I had plans of attending a Cash for Gold Party that my mother was hosting. Id had some gold jewelry to exchange for cash, but not nearly enough for me to get excited about. Like everyone before me, I was called in the study for my treasures to be examined and I walked out better than the state I was walking in, with $300 in my hand. The exact amount I needed for my bill! This may seem like a well pitched ploy to win over non-believers, but I refuse to believe that it was anything but the acts of the Lord.

"And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

"Give and it shall be given to you..." Luke 6:38

He spoke these words, and in my life, they have come to pass. I continue my tithing when I do make an appearance in the church, but I have found myself on more than one occasion feeling the need to keep something in my pockets in case of emergency, knowingly wrong. It can be hard to obey God's leadings to give when there isn't much of anything to give. In my own lessons learned, I strongly encourage that if we can save up for a down payment on a house or vacations, that we can practice this same discipline as Christians when it comes to giving our 10%. Tithing is not a means for salvation, so do not give with a heart of burden for this task. 2 Corinthians 9:7 says that we are not to give under compulsion, but cheerfully. As we know, our God is all knowing and that, he wont except.

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast." Ephesians 2:8-9

The rewards of this simple task are amazing! Today, I am broke, but I will with an open and unashamed heart be more than happy to empty my piggy bank and give unto him my very last for the many blessings of my household.

"To whom much is given, much is required." Luke 12:48

Musical Praise- Earnest Pugh "Rain On Us"

Saturday, May 22, 2010

What I Want Now

These are so Sex in The City-ish! Checked on our "look but don't touch" list.

Brian Atwood Loca studded pumps,$800. www.net-a-porter.com

Daily Devotion

"She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet. She maketh herself coverings of tapestry: her clothing is silk and purple. Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land. She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant. Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come." Proverbs 31:21-25

The Book Club

If you follow me on FB, you have seen me reference this book to a certain situation with my 7yr. old daughter. The Little Princess Devotional Bible by Sheila Walsh, is a wonderful book to have on your little princess bookshelf.
In these pages you'll find enchanted stories from the Bible that can be used in every day life situations. Lessons on beauty & respect, inter-active plays, and how to show love for ourselves and other's are taught in way's that leaves a young girls mind wanting to know more of what the Lord has to offer and what her wants from us.

For my little prince, Sheila Walsh has written God's Mighty Warrior Devotional Bible. i haven't purchased this book but I most definitely will in the near future. Book description reads:

Just like God created little girls in a special way, He created little boys to be mighty warriors...even when they feel small. Now with this new devotional Bible in storybook format, boys can learn how to be strong, honorable, courageous and true. Selections of Bible text from the International Children's Bible are combined with delightful articles to help a budding warrior earn his armor.

This collection is aimed at girls and boys ages 4-10, but I recommend the earlier the better. Available online at Family Christian Store, www.familychristian.com.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Daily Devotion

Casting All Our Care On Him
by Bernice Ward

There's no storms that we can't weather
If we cast all... our care upon Him,
Under His wings, He will shelter you,
Trusting in Jesus..upon Him we can depend.

O Lord may I trust you more and more
More like Jesus, loving and true,
Give me the strength, as I try daily,
To give more of myself...afresh to you.

Let's be faithful to our loving Savior
Sheltered in Him, with love so strong,
He is our strength, adoration, and hope,
Someday we will hear, My Child, well done!

Through days of trials, God is there
With outstretched arms He waits,
Just trust in Him...His word believe,
If faithful, crowns of life we will recieve.

Take Note

Clearly Jay Z and Beyonce are taking note from famed couple Will and Jada Pinkett Smith. This is what power couples look like. Strong, blessed and highly favored! The group attended a play on Broadway that both Jay Z and Will funded. The play, "FELA", is based on the life of Nigerian Afro-beat pioneer Fela Anikulapo-Kutia and is up for 11 Tony Award nominations.
Will and Jada also Appeared on Oprah earlier this week sharing their marriage and family business plan.


Musical Praise: Lisa McClendon

This is my first time hearing Lisa McClendons' 4th installation in her musical legacy, Reality, and I am a true fan already. Lisa style of gospel, soul music, and poetry is refreshing and uplifting. This is one of those "leave on repeat on a Sunday's drive" cd's. Thanks to my cousin Brittany for posting her lyrics all over her FB wall. I highly recommend this not only for a listen but as a purchase.


LaLa Vazquez Filming Realty Show

Now being free from an overweight cable bill, I don't spend much time in front of the tube and I don't feel as though I'm missing a thing with the word wide Internet at my fingertips. But this one slipped passed me and I just have to comment. VH1 recently announced that Lala Vazquez and Carmelo Anthony will participate in a five-episode reality series, scheduled to air September 13th, that will chronicle the planning of their wedding and the actual ceremony.
I am a realty show fan to a point. I stick to mostly the ones that you are tired of such as the Kardashians and anything with good fashion and locations. I'm glad to see that LaLa has gained enough notoriety to be considered for her own show but I'm going to say it loud and clear: Its the devil in disguise! The consequences of these shows have proven themselves over and over again. Every successfull couple and family that has appeared in their own realty show have fallen apart due to the overwhelming fame. Children have turned to drugs to escape the pressures of stardom and married and unmarried couples have ended in separation and divorce. I can actually say that the most successfull show to date for me, was the Osbourne's. They also experienced alot of strife but through it all they had a strong faith that the devil couldn't shake that you see in each of them today. And as crazy as they may have seemed, they arent any crazier that our own families.
I really like Lala and Carmelo and wish them all the best on their impending nuptials. I more so pray that what ever fame and strife may come their way they have enough faith in God to steadfast together.
For more Lala visit http://iamlala.com/

Daily Devotion

"Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored." Titus2:3-5

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Book Club

The Lord ministers to His children in many forms. A great ministry for me has been through reading more than just the Bible but in urban christian fictional books. Of all the books read, there is one author who has written a series of books that have touched the hearts, and lives of myself and those around me. Vanessa Millers, Storm and Rain series of Urban Books Publishing's delves in the lives of Bishop Issac Walkers and Elizabeth Underwood's past and present. Issac walker , the former drug lord who once reigned over the streets of Chicago turned residing Bishop over a multi-million dollar mega church has come so far by faith until the devil lets loose his stable of goons to wreck havoc on the people he holds dear. In order to move forward and clear his families name, he must remember his past. Elizabeth Underwood has always supported her husband through her own good guidance, but when he steps out of the marriage and has had enough of Elizabeth's demands, she must learn to let go and let God. This 5 part series collection will do more than just aim to please, including discussion questions and study scriptures, they will hit you directly in the soul and heart.


All Natural

Congratulation's to Ms. Jackson on her brave step to cutting it all off. Confidence is a must for such a style. I have been rocking a short mohawk for some time now, and although I am a lover of hair, it is the best hair style that I have donned to date. It's low maintenance and allows me to add hair and play around with different styling techniques.

What I Want Now

Its Sex in The City 2 mania! In researching everything SJP do to my shameless obsession, I'll be posting everything associated with the clan up until the day after the premier .

What I want now is this Patricia Field for Keith Haring Plastic Clutch, priced at $80. The colors are a perfect accessorie for any lbd (little black dress).


Daily Devotion

Prosperous Wherever You Are
About The Master's Business Ministry

"And keep the charge of the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways, to keep his statutes, and his commandments, and his judgments, and his testimonies, as it is written in the law of Moses, that thou mayest prosper in all that thou doest, and whithersoever thou turnest thyself:" 1 Kings 2:3

When I read this verse, it sounded very familiar... I had heard it in Joshua 1:7- "Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper withersoever thou goest." The verse in 1 Kings is King David's charge to his son Solomon. David was dying and Solomon was getting ready to take the throne as king of Israel. The verse in Joshua was given to Joshua by God just before he was to lead the children of Israel into the promised land. God wanted both of these men to be prosperous in what they were about to do and where His will for their lives was taking them.

God wants you to be prosperous as well. He wants you to succeed in that which He calls you to do. So he tells us how that this will happen. In both verses God gives us the key... and condition... to being prosperous wherever we go. "Walk in His ways, keep His statues, commandments, judgments, and testimonies. In other words... be obedient to His commands and you will prosper wherever you are. Do you want to be prosperous wherever you go? Then obey His commands.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Honey Magazine interviews Misa Hylton

At first mention of the name Misa Hylton, your brain is automatically redirected to Sean "Puffy" Combs aka P. Diddy. You are thinking that Diddy is the reason why she is successful, but she makes it clear to Honeymag.com that no one else can take the credit for her success other than God.
Misa wears the many hats of mother, lover, Fashion Technology Consultant,mentor and stylist. She's faced the same strife's in life that all woman endure but holding tight to her dignity she's learned that giving God the thanks keeps her pressing forward.

" I had been featured in major magazines, and had worked
with icons in the industry. And all with no publicist.
I’m very proud of my success. To be clear, Sean introduced
me to many of my celebrity clients, and I’ll always honor that.
But everything I have comes from God and that’s my provider."

Keep your eye out for Ms. Hylton. She currently has in the works a line of lace front and high quality wigs. For full article visit www.honeymag.com.

What I Want Now

Top:Patent leather and nylon sandal, Bebe, $149, visit www.bebe.com, Bottom: Leather sandal, Aldo, $100, visit www.aldoshoes.com

Re: Sunday Morning Praise

By Glenda Ellsworth

Heb. 10; 24 -25 reads as follows . . And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works. v. 25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another; and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. Now, I believe church attandance is vital to relationship and growth. God ... See Moreis a faithful God therefore, he requires faithfulness in all that we do! Truly, we are the church however, God has willed it so for us to come together as a collective body.

Read I Cor. 12;14-21 . . For the body is not one member, but many. If the foot shall say, because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; it is therefore not of the body?

How can we being one body say to the member, I have no need of thee. Can we walk around on our head? We need one another! We are one body!! We "the chruch" have need of ALL our body parts.

Eph. 4;16 . . From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. How can we accomplish this, if church attendance is not important or required? How can we supply anything within the joints if we are not fitly joined together or available?

It just amazes me sometimes that we can give the world more than we offer God. Our jobs have requirements and we meet those requirements without question but, we feel that God should not ask anything of us outside our comfort zones. No requirements or restrictions? What shall we render unto the Lord for all his benefits? Nothing? Selah!

Praise is an offering to God that anybody can do as long as we live! Psalm 150 declares the instruments will praise, scripture declares in Is. 55; 12 the trees of the fields clap their hands, and . . we as a people can praise as long as we live . . Ps. 150; 6 . . Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord!

God has a purpose for us and in order for us to reach that goal, there has to be guide lines or a road to follow in order for us to obtain it.

The church is not Burger King, we cannot have it our way!

I hope this will help bring clarity to all who reads it!

Fred Hammond- Your Love Is

Destiny's Child- Thank you

Forever JONES - He Wants It All

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Daily Devotion

A virtuous woman teaches her children the ways of her Father in heaven. She nurtures her children with the love of Christ, disciplines them with care and wisdom and trains them in the way they should go.(Proverbs 31:28, Proverbs 31:26, Proverbs 22:6, Deuteronomy 6, Luke 18:16)


Sex in The City 2

I had refrained myself from thinking anything "Sex and The City" but a friend on FB had to go and get all excited! Thanks Mel.

Check out http://www.savoythesocialite.blogspot.com/ to make the opening night an event. I found this site through a friend that used her services. Her taste is elegant, modern and something worth sharing.

http://www.sexandthecitymovie.com/ for trailer and more.

Kelis: Flesh Tones

If you know me, you would also know that I am a die hard Kelis fan. She has such and heir of confidence that is almost hypnotizing with an artistic style like no other.
Kelis has just released her new album "Flesh Tones" in the UK, Europe, Asia and Latin America. For some odd reason she receives more respect for her creative style abroad than she does home, much like Kelly Rowland (that's another subject). "Flesh Tones" is do to release in the states on July 6. Here photos of her album cover. Don't know what to think of half woman half animal pic, but I still love her!


Love and Marriage

Being in Love is an overwhelming feeling that no human being can do with out. Love comforts, consoles, and can even tear you apart. Marriage is a union of man and woman offering up their dedication to be true to each other in the eyes of our Lord. These two words together can build individuals and families and when done properly can change the world around you. I am an unmarried Christian and in the process of building my home through Christ with marriage in my future. It is not an easy process, but then again He didn't say that it would be.
As a contemporary christian, I do cohabitate with my significant other. Everyday I feel guilt for expecting God to bless us with a happy home. I've clearly committed sins in the act of fornication before marriage, now being the mother of two beautiful angels. With many more sinful acts under my belt, no one is greater than the other and all can be forgiven.
My struggle now is having assurance before jumping the broom that this is the path He has set for me. I pray all day while typing, cleaning, working, and when tending to the needs of my family. Through my prayers and constant search of the word it is there that I have come to realize that there is no assurrance that can be given in any other way besides through my faith in faith. I have faith that He will provide for my family by any means neccessary and that he has proved. I have faith that he has more in store for than what my wildest dreams could imagine. I just couldnt imagine, with so much presently against us, how things would be better after marriage.
Search for a deeper relationship with God, brings about daily knowledge and strength that only He will allow you to recieve. In my search, I learned that a successfull relationship does not soley rest on the ability to get along, but begins with a shared bond in Christ. This bond brings two single souls to one common ground of understanding that without Christ it just wont work. All mole hills can and will appear as mountains before you, too hard to climb over. Strength and belief that no matter the issue together with Christ, communication is second nature, understanding is common practice and love conquers all. It is a much enduring process but with much prayer and persaverance each day feels better than the day before because you have come one step closer to what He has planned.
For more information for married couples and those preparing for marriage visit www.marriagemissions.com

Daily Devotion

The Christian life is one of faith, where we find ourselves routinely overdriving our headlights but knowing it's okay because God is in control and has a purpose behind it.- Bill Hybels

Sunday, May 16, 2010


With summer upon us, woman everywhere are stepping on the scales in hopes of meeting their goal weight, and reorginizing our wardrobes to add to our ever growing collection of sun dresses and sandals. Putting all of our attention to our clothes we put less attention into our skin.

Keeping up with your daily regimen of washing, exfoliating, and moisturizing it's time to add that "glow"!

Whether you wear foundation or not the M.A.C. Cosmetics Iridescent Powder gives your skin a beautiful well sheened glow. As some have put it "the Rihanna glow". I use this myself on my cheek bones, t-zone, collar bone and cleavage.

Other suggestions to add to your glow Mineralize eye shadow dou and Tinted lip glass, both in a variety of colors .

Daily Devotion

God wants to make something beautiful of our lives; our task-as God's children and as our children's parents-is to let Him.
Jim Gallery

"Purpose For Everyday Living For Mothers" by Thomas Nelson Publishers

Sunday Morning Praise

Do to circumstances beyond my control, I am not always able to attend church like I want to. Our parents made it seem to be a requirement if we wanted to receive our blessings, but no where in the Bible does it make reference to blessings lost because of not attending church! My blessing begin as soon as I open my eyes and begin praying for my blessing of the day. Worship is an everyday, non-stop communication that can be done in the comforts of your own home, car, or even the bathroom. He hears all. So while I be blasting my favorite gospel station 104.7 Praise FM, reading the word,watching Pastor Lance Watson on the tube, I'll be praying with and earnest heart for my family and yours.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Today Was a Good Day

Today was such a beautiful day that I, like you I'm sure, had to get out and enjoy it. Unregretfully, the Lord had a different plan in mind (as always). I aint mad at ya! Work came in a perfect flow, although I missed rehearsal with my family. I stepped outside for a moment but had no problems walking back in to make my money.


I have recently had a lot of questions about what hair products that can be used on little girls of mixed ethnicity with lots of frizz and African American grains that are natural, curly, and kinky. Having this same dilemma myself , the search began and I came across one brand that caters to it all. CURLS was specifically designed for woman and children of multi-ethnic decent with unmanageable frizz, curl and kink. CURLS is used by a variety of celebrities such as Amerie, Holly Berry, and Ashanti. Affordably priced, I will definitely be purchasing this product and give you my opinion and please let me know if you do the same.

Visit CURLS @ http://www.curls.biz/

T.I. on Larry King Live

If you haven't had a chance to see Larry King Live interview with T.I. , it'll be worth your time to check out a little. The interview was one of the most comfortable interviews to watch and not feel as if Larry was coming out of pocket with his questions. Touring another blog (cant remember which one) they wrote about his amazing usage of big words. But with all that he has lived through wouldn't you expect a man to be just as articulate? More so, a man of his status? He has an all to familiar ora about him that you must admire. The most striking part of the interview to me, was when T.I. explained why he felt that his sentence of 1 year and a day, was a fair sentence. He's a major influence on our young man and as he plainly put it, he is no good to anyone behind bars. At the 6:00 mark, they show clips of T.I speaking to boys in a juvenile custody facilities. You feel the God in him and the passion behind his words that he would not have if it weren't for his experiences. We all know a T.I.. Not filthy rich, but just as experienced and smart, if not more (I said smart not mature). These are the man that we must build up to teach our young man.
I must admit that I am secretly in love with T.I. (though shall not judge me), but I am whole-heartidly happy for the family and life that he and Tameka have built together. They are truly and abundantly blessed.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Something Special

Gianmarco Lorenzi swarvoski pumps: $2800
Iv posted this to my FB page also, but I had to do it again. Don't these make you feel good all over?! These go on our "look but dont touch" list.

Ugly Betty: Speak to my heart Lord

I'm unfortunately not a regular watcher of Ugly Betty, but with each episode I do catch, I regret that I missed the last. The best in fashion is showcased in an almost artistic style and Ugly Betty is more than full of laughter and drama to fill anyones cup. But it wasn't until just now, while watching my favorite Internet station, www.hulu.com, that I have come to realize how much substance that the show obtained. In season 4 episode 18, Betty travels abroad for Mode magazine and her sisters Bridal shower. While enjoying all the perks of being a top fashion editor, the offer to be a Fashion columnist is thrown at her feet. Running into an ex-boyfriend, Betty is given a realty check in following her dreams to take the time and blog about what is important to her and focus on her real life vs work her life away for a fashion magazine with perks along the way but no real fulfillment. This is everything that I have been battling with myself for the past year. I can only give credit for this to my Father above for he says "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." -- 2 Chronicles 7:14
Plainly put, the more that you seek the lord through your actions and mind, his blessings will abundantly unfold right before your eyes. He will tell you what path to take if you ask and trust that it shall be. Easier said done you say? Most positively if you keep searching for Him day in and day out. Read, pray, cry, talk, think, wait on Him.
Now that devil Willamina! I have never seen such conniving in all the soap opera's on t.v.. That, is what is the epitome of the devil in the blue designer dress....dressed to kill! OK. If you watch the show, you understand. We aren't going to spend time her talking about him to much.
I recommend Ugly Betty as a great watch at the end of a long day to laugh the stress away.

Steve Harvey Introduces Jesus


Perseverance is commitment, hard work, patience and endurance. Often, we wait until we are in the mist of the storm to only hear this word spoken. At which point we begin to reflect on the specific aspects of our life that are in need of this action the most. To persevere takes more than bringing attention to our situation, but that through faith in faith all things through Christ are possible. Worry leads to depression, loss of sleep, rifts with family and friends, and in the worst cases sickness. Finding strength in hardship is why the Lord sent His son Jesus to bear the cross for our sins. He wanted us to know that no matter what stage of our lives or circumstances, that he is always here, watching and waiting for us to repent and accept him into our lives whole-heartidly. Lay your burdens down for him to bear and leave the worry behind. If you wait on the Lord, he will see you through.

"Only the person who follows the command of Jesus single-mindedly, and unrestingly lets his yoke rest upon him, finds his burdens easy, and under its gentle pressure recieves the power to persevere in the right way"- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Divine Intervention

As I sit, typing my very first post, I cannot shake the overwhelming feeling of thankfullness. Its a feeling that, lately, I have come to know all too well and have no wants of letting this feeling go. As a stay-at-home mother of two, this is a position that I have coveted for long before my second child was concieved. Before his arrival, after being laid off from my job as a Customer Service Rep, being home with no hopes of finding a new job was fun but at the same time an experience that I did not need in my life at the time. Broke and playing the role of a single parent, I wallowed in self pitty and expectations of everyone around me to hold us down. I mean, I felt as though I did my part to do the same when they where in need, so, why should I expect any less from them, right? Oh, how wrong I was!
I have always been a child of God and grew up in the church and had faith, but my faith in faith was shakeable. The devil was intervening in my life and home in more ways than one, and it took me learning the hard way as most of us do, that all along God was setting me up for a "Divine Intervention".
Finding my way back to my home church and the family that has always "held me down" I then began to realize that it wasnt a job, friends or more money that I needed. I needed to my Lord. I needed, more than air, for him to take over my mind, body, and soul and to make me anew and without hesitation, that exactly what he did. It hasnt been an easy process and the loss of dear friends, the gaining of new ones, and relationships rebuilt have made it even harder than one could imagine.
I have no regrets about the process and experiences that I endured to be where I am now. Still a stay-at-home mom, the Lord has shown me my purpose for being where he has placed me and has given me the site to make complete sense of the past 29 years of my life.
It's an awsome and most humbling experience to be able to tell my story and inspire others. It takes much devotion to keep this feeling going, but I will not waiver and will “ run in the path of His commands, for he has set our hearts free.” Psalm 119:32 NIV.