Friday, February 4, 2011

Living In His Will

Since my last post so much has changed. The most important change of all through my journey of life, is my ever evolving relationship with my father, God. Growing up, I was always aware of the presence and ability of His love, grace, and mercy. I prayed before meals, and bedtime. I was raised amongst a family of song birds, myself not so blessed with a beautiful voice but a voice of praise non the less. And was always amazed at my grandmothers prayers at night, filled with so much thanks and sent sealed with tears of faithfulness. But what I did not have was a heart of expectations that followed my faith. Faith was a word I new well and believed in strongly, but had no idea that I actually had to work in order for it to take resignation in my life. I mean, wasn't it enough that I believed? Wasn't the hole point of religion to simply believe and all of my prayers would be heard and then answered? If only it where that simple, we would all have what we wanted. It's good to know that isn't the case at all. A part of it, but not all of it.

"Faith with out works is dead"- James 2:26

One of my favorite versus to date. I have read this verse many times over the years, but I never read into that verse and when I did it made a complete difference in my life and how I would live it moving forward. Having the heart of expectation is a requirement of faith. Now I'm one person that doesn't like to expect anything from anyone, because like so many of us, I always end up disappointed. But God is not just anyone. His very existent in our lives depends on our expectations of His good deeds. Our faith through the good and the bad gives Him much pleasure to fulfill our needs and wants with in His divine will. I have been through some bad, trying times and had faith through it all but never expected for it to get better based on His will. I always thought that it depended on me. Basically I had more faith in myself than anything else. And because of that I was going no where fast. It took loosing my job, friends and almost the roof over my head to give in and recognize that my life doesn't begin with me. I didn't put myself here, therefore I could not put my self where I wanted to be.

There is allot more to this than just recognizing who is in charge here. It took 12 years to receive a required education. Studying , testing , reading and so one. Our walk with God is just that, a walk. A journey of experiences, lessons, and test. Stay tuned and while I continue my daily walk. You will see me grow, stumble, get up and try again to be in His will. And if I'm doing this properly, than maybe motivate someone else.

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